We Source. You Close.

Pay-for-performance lead gen

We reach out to your dream customers, and verify their interest in your technology. Then you take over the conversation, and focus on running kick ass demos.

What PipeCertain Does For You:

All work done by real people

Campaign Strategy

Develop / refine your ideal customer profile (ICP), and your unique value proposition.

List Building

Based on your ICP, identify the right accounts and contacts, then find and verify their contact information.

Research & Personalise

Open job positions, recent social activity, funding rounds, namedropping their colleague — your outreach shall always stand out, and never look automated.

Connect (MQLs)

A Marketing Qualified Lead is a lead that meets your ICP criteria, and has shown interest in learning more about your offerings.

Convert (SQLs)

A Sales Qualified Lead is an MQL that has scheduled an appointment with one of your sales executives.

Qualify (HQLs) - coming soon

A Highly Qualified Lead is an SQL that has already attended a "Needs Analysis“ discovery meeting with one of our Product Specialists.

Why Us

Absurdly Focused

Many agencies claim to be Jacks of all trades, forgetting that just makes them Masters of none… We do one thing only – targeted outreach for B2B SaaS startups.

If you need SEO or SMM, we are NOT for you.
If you don’t sell B2B, we are NOT for you.

Pay for Performance

You wouldn’t pay your sales rep, if they weren’t performing, so why pay an agency? We don’t sell “efforts”, we don’t sell “visions”, we don’t sell “brand uplift” – we guarantee results

You can count on us to deliver ICP leads, at a fixed cost, so all you have to worry about is closing.

A better way to fill your pipe.

Imagine: dozens of hours spent hiring, weeks spent on-boarding and ramping, thousands spent buying new equipment and software licences, the “joy” of planning for the office space, that tantalising feeling at the end of the day when you check your team’s activity metrics – poof… All gone!

PipeCertain takes care of that now. Oh, and we charge per lead, not per month.

Reliable. Scalable. Affordable.

$5000-8000/mos $99/lead

Frequently Asked Questions

  • YES – if you have an updated website / landing page.
  • YES – if you target SMBs (less than 250 employees).
  • NO – if your target audience is too niche (less than 10k accounts).
  • NO – if your sales process doesn’t start with a discovery or demo call.
  • Feel free to apply: we analyse each case individually.

We start every new client relationship with a 4-6 week Pilot.

You should expect to invest ~2-3 hrs into the initial set up  + ~1hr each following week sharing feedback and calibrating the campaign.

After the Pilot phase, the only time you’ll be investing is for weekly check-in meetings. 

All our engagements start with a proof of concept 4-6 week trial of service (the Pilot phase). After the successful trial period customers sign up on a monthly (MQLs only), quarterly, or annual contract basis with a 14 day cancelation notice / option to upgrade / downgrade the volume of leads.

When you pay, it is for a specific number of MQLs / SQLs / HQLs. We reserve a +/- 10% buffer (while predictable, lead generation is never an exact science), meaning if your contract is for 50 MQLs, and we deliver between 45-55, the job is considered well done. 

Nevertheless, at the end of each quarter, we tally up all the monthly discrepancies, and factor them into the next month’s targets.

That said, we have weekly check in meetings to discuss the details of the campaign, challenges, successes, needs, wants and next steps. We are in constant communication so nothing should ever be a surprise.

For the Pilot phase we expect you to provide the following:

1. A list of your current clients (we’ll use it to refine your ICP, as well as create a Do-Not-Contact list).
2. Any currently successful messaging for this segment of the market.
3. Any additional resources we can pull from when crafting our messaging and coaching our team (e.g. recording of a DEMO, media kit, sales script, press release, etc.).
4. Any marketing collateral we can use as value add resources for our nurturing campaigns (e.g. ebooks, case studies, free resources, etc.)

The MQLs will be introduced to you via an email.

For the SQLs and HQLs we’ll send a calendar invitation to your rep and the prospect, followed by an email introduction.

While we do the work, it is your reputation we put on the line. And you have to be comfortable with us reaching out on your behalf.

Not only do we ensure all our communications conform to the formal legal standards, our expertise is crafting outreach campaigns that also follow the spirit of these regulations: writing only highly relevant messages, avoiding sales-y language, etc.

In short, your reputation is safe with us.